Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Sustainable Development Goals at Gdańsk Tech

A colorlful circle
Gdańsk University of Technology publishes for the first time a report on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on 25 September 2015. There are 17 of them in total.

This report presents only selected activities of Gdańsk University of Technology that significantly contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The activities described in the report have been identified under four general areas: research, public involvement and partnership, student education and activities, internal operation of the University.

Library Information Skills e-Course

animowane postacie przed monitorami komputera
The Gdańsk Tech Library offers Library Information Skills e-course to students enrolled in English-language degree programmes at Gdańsk Tech.

Library Information Skills e-course is designed to help each student use the resoursces Gdańsk Tech Library has to offer:

  • books
  • electronic databases
  • e-resourses (e-books, e-journals)

The key information skills include:

Gdańsk Tech students’ racing car ends the season with success in the Formula Student competition

Student's bolid on the road
Although they took 14th place in the general classification, they can definitely boast of great results in dynamic competitions - Skid Pad (10th place) and the most difficult one - Endurance (9th). PGRacing Team summed up the Formula Student competition in Varano de' Melegari, Italy in 2021.

Formula Student races are competitions for engineering teams of universities from around the world. These teams build the car themselves and then compete with it in static and dynamic terms against other teams and their cars, with a total of 1,000 points to score. The team of Gdańsk University of Technology, associated with the "Mechanik" science club at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, is called PGRacing Team and since its inception it can boast the fifth consecutive car of its own idea and design.

Prof. Katarzyna Zielonko-Jung becomes a member of the Climate Council

Prof. Katarzyna Zielonko-Jung
Katarzyna Zielonko-Jung, PhD, DSc, Eng. Arch. from the Faculty of Architecture was appointed to the Climate Council by the UN Global Compact Network Poland - an organization working for the environment, human rights, counteracting corruption and decent and legal work.  

UN Global Compact (UNGC) is an institution established by the Secretary General of the United Nations. The UNGCN Climate Council established within its structures is a newly appointed advisory and substantive body, providing expert opinions as part of programs conducted at UNGC Poland.

Together we can do more - the first debate

the authorities of the city and universities
On Thursday, 4 November, we held the first of three debates at Gdańsk University of Technology, dedicated to the academic society, under the title “Why do we need the Fahrenheit Union of Universities?”, which was attended by the Union authorities: rectors of MUG, Gdańsk Tech and GU, as well as the director of the Union, Prof. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska. The guests invited to the event included i.a. Dariusz Drelich, the Governor of the Pomeranian province, Mieczysław Struk, the Marshal of the Pomeranian province, and Alan Aleksandrowicz, the Deputy Mayor of Gdańsk.

– This meeting shows that we want to cooperate and the debate shall help us answer the questions: where to and why? - said Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology and Chairman of the Fahrenheit Union of Universities in his welcome speech. I am convinced of the values that join us and allow us to jointly change and shape the academic force of our region. Together we can do more: both in the sphere of values as well as in organizational terms.

He loves sailing, so ... he printed his own canoe. Project by Eng. Maciej Karnowski

kayak on the beach
He's a sailing fan, but didn't have room to store a large boat, so he decided to go for something smaller. As 3D printing is also his passion, so he printed ... a canoe in which he traverses the Motława River and the Martwa Wisła. Maciej Karnowski, a graduate of ocean engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology has just defended his engineering thesis entitled "The use of 3D printing in kayak prototyping".  

The kayak was printed at home, it is 2.3 m long and 80 cm wide. Maciej Karnowski designed the boat in such a way that it could be transported by a small car.

 – I printed the canoe at home and it took me a total of 400 hours – the printer worked about six hours a day. It is much smaller than a standard boat of this type, which usually measures about three meters - noted the graduate.

Excellence in Research

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The European Charter for Researchers & the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment is the European Commission Recommendation No. 2005/251/EC, which obliges the research institutions to create friendly working conditions, career development and transparent processes of recruitment.

Intake for the summer semester is now open!

students sitting at a table
Join almost 1000 international students from over 60 countries all over the world and start your studies at Gdańsk University of Technology!

Did you know that Gdańsk Tech:

  • is the third best technical university in Poland
  • is the second most popular university in Poland among applicants
  • in 2021 was classified in Academic Ranking of World Universities (knows as Shanghai Ranking)?

And has one of the most beautiful, green campuses in Europe! So do not hesitate and apply now!

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