Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Over 50 million to educate specialists in artificial intelligence

Over PLN 50 million will be allocated to the creation of a model of system education for high-class specialists in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cybersecurity. On 19 January an agreement was signed for co-financing the project ‘Academy of Innovative Applications of Digital Technologies’ under the Operational Program Digital Poland for 2014-2020.

The project is carried out as part of a consortium of five universities: Gdańsk University of Technology, Poznań University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, the University of Poznań and the University of Warsaw. The project manager at our university is PhD, DSc, Eng. Piotr Szczuko, GUT professor from the ETI Faculty.


Guide for foreign Students

What you are looking at is the Guide for Foreign Students, the academic navigation system, which will help you get accustomed not only with the academic campus but also learn the locations of other landmarks in the city which are important to students. It will also keep you from getting lost in the customs and traditions of the academy and help eliminate needless stress. We hope that this little book will be helpful for you.

ProtoLab III - a 24/7 prototyping workshop for space and VR technologies

Radosław Włudzik from Excento is presenting ProtoLab III equipment to prof. Krzysztof Wilde, the rector of GUT (in the foreground) and prof. Janusz Nieznański, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Innovation. Photo Krzysztof Krzempek / Gdańsk University of Technology
ProtoLab III is another prototyping space for students and researchers of Gdańsk University of Technology, equipped with high-class devices. The laboratory, in which initiatives will be implemented in the field of space technologies and augmented reality (VR) has just been opened. It was created as a result of cooperation between the GUT special purpose vehicle Excento and the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics. ProtoLab III can be used 24 hours a day, and the equipment can be rented through a virtual rental service.

– I am convinced that our students will be willing to use the possibilities and equipment offered by ProtoLab – says prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology. - This place was created to allow students and employees to test their ideas, regardless of their advancement, in a space appropriately adapted for these purposes.

Protolab III, Launched at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics 

The first meeting of the GUT University Council in the new term

The University Council of Gdańsk University of Technology
On Tuesday, 12 January in the GUT Senate Hall, the first, ceremonial meeting of the University Council under the new term of office for 2021-2024 was held. The nominations for the members of the Council were presented by prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of GUT.  

The University Council of Gdańsk University of Technology consists of seven members elected by the GUT Senate. They were elected during the meeting on 16 December 2020, and the official inauguration of the Council's activities took place on 1 January this year. The Council consists of five people from outside the university, one person from the university and the chairperson of the student government.

Regulations for the winter examination session and organization of classes

examination session
The winter examination session at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held remotely, but exceptions to this rule will be possible. Classes in the summer semester will also be held in the current remote form, unless new guidelines are issued in this regard by the Ministry of Science and Education.  

In the summer semester, classes at Gdańsk University of Technology and Doctoral Schools will be carried out remotely and using distance learning methods and techniques. This rule will remain in force until the possible end of the pandemic state, or the lifting of government restrictions, orders and regulations relating to combating its effects.

Artificial intelligence can help delay the aging process

Mobile phone
Professor Jacek Rumiński from the ETI Faculty is a scientific consultant for a multidisciplinary team that has developed an innovative application aimed at improving our health - VIKA. Thanks to the cooperation of many specialists in various fields – among others artificial intelligence, medicine, psychology or sport, a virtual assistant of healthy lifestyle was created. We can always have it within reach.

One of the originators of the application is Łukasz Ossowski, a GUT graduate, co-creator of the best Ivona speech synthesizer in the world. There are many applications on the market that encourage physical exercise, measure our activity, remind us to drink water or create a low-calorie diet. VIKA stands out significantly, as it is the world's first healthy life expectancy counter. It analyzes physical activity, lifestyle, diet and thanks to the data collected in a detailed interview, it estimates the biological age of its user.


University Council of Gdańsk University of Technology for the 2021–2024 term

A new term of office of the University Council of Gdańsk University of Technology, composed of seven members elected by the GUT Senate, began on 1 January 2021.  

Members of the University Council for the term 2021-2024 were elected by the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology during the meeting on 16 December 2020. The Council consists of five people from outside the university, one person from the university and the chairperson of the student government.

Composition of the GUT University Council 2021-2024:

- Wojciech Falkowski - president of the management board of Ecol-Group Ltd.,

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