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Students' diploma theses awarded by the Polish Economic Society

Hands writing sth in computer
Two students from the GUT Faculty of Management and Economics won awards in the 17th edition of the Witold Andruszkiewicz’s Bachelor's Theses Competition and the 24th edition of the Lucjan Hofman’s Competition for Master's Theses for 2020, which is run by the Polish Economic Society.

The award for the best Master's thesis was won by Marta Bogdziewicz for her work entitled ‘Analysis of expenditure on culture in European Union countries as an indicator of prosperity’. The thesis was written under the supervision of PhD, DSc Joanna Wolszczak - Derlacz, GUT professor.


Call for applications in the Actinium Supporting Most Talented Candidates competition

The Actinium Supporting Most Talented Candidates program is an element of the implementation of the tasks of the EIRU program in the field of improving the quality of education for students and doctoral students, in particular in the fields and disciplines related to priority research areas (PRA) of the university, Action III.3. Improving the admission system for studies in order to attract the best candidates.

The aim of the program is to increase the effectiveness of Gdańsk University of Technology in competing for the most talented candidates for studies in the fields related to the subjects of PRA Centers. The way to achieve the goal are scholarships based on the achievements from the previous stage of education for particularly gifted students starting full-time 1st or 2nd cycle studies at Gdańsk University of Technology.


EuroS@P - safety in European road traffic

bad weather on the road
International project application entitled ‘The European Road Safety Partnership EuroS@P’, submitted under the Strategic Partnerships of ERASMUS + program, was positively assessed and directed for funding. The leader of the consortium is the Department of Road and Transport Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, while the initiator and coordinator of the project is PhD, Eng. Wojciech Kustra.  

The project is implemented jointly with institutions dealing with road safety issues in Europe: Università Degli Studi di Catania in Italy, Bauhaus - Universitaet Weimar in Germany, Sveuciliste u Zagreb in Croatia and the European Road Assessment Association in Belgium.

Prof. Aleksander Orłowski in the team developing the new National Urban Policy

prof. Orlowski
PhD, DSc, Eng. Aleksander Orłowski, university professor, from the Department of Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics, was appointed to the team developing the new National Urban Policy (NUP). The team operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy and the Institute of Urban and Regional Development. The scientist will cooperate with the group dealing with the digitization of city management.

‘The National Urban Policy is addressed to all Polish cities. Its main goal is to improve the quality of life of their inhabitants. The document contains a wide range of solutions, tools and instruments that can be flexibly used by cities of all sizes and locations.

ProtoLab II - technical workshop is open

The photo shows ProtoLab II in the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park. Photo Krzysztof Krzempek / Gdańsk University of Technology
The last of the three prototyping workshops - Protolab II - is at the users' disposal. A fully equipped technical workshop is located in the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park. Undergraduate and graduate students, participants of the e-Pionier project and scientific staff of Gdańsk University of Technology can use the workshop free of charge.

ProtoLab II is part of the Space4makers initiative at GS&TP, where a prototyping space dedicated to startups, innovative enterprises and inventors was created on an area of 400 square m. The workshop is equipped with large-size machines for wood and metal processing, such as a CNC plotter, lathe-milling machine, hand press. Users can also use a 3D printing station and power tools.


The ‘start-up school’ opens at Gdańsk University of Technology

Illustrative photo – a group of people sitting during training. Their attention is focused on the presentation  displayed on the projector
By the decision of the rector, the ‘Start-up school’ acceleration program, supporting entrepreneurship among university students and employees will be launched at Gdańsk University of Technology. Teams that successfully complete the training program will have a chance to receive a grant of 50 000 PLN. These funds can be used for pre-implementation works or preparations for establishing a company.

The purpose of creating the acceleration program is to support academic entrepreneurship and substantive preparation of teams of students or employees of Gdańsk University of Technology to establish their own spin-off / spin-out companies.

A comprehensive action plan and a space for workshops, consultations with mentors and project meetings of the teams participating in the training program are currently being prepared.

Engineering and Management of Space Systems - admission is underway

Admission for second-cycle studies for new, international second-cycle studies in Engineering and Management of Space Systems is underway. There are 15 places waiting for students who want to study in the field of space technologies, and who want to try studies at a foreign university.

The new studies will be based on the second-cycle studies conducted by both universities, i.e. ‘Aerospace Technologies’, ‘Computer Science’ and ‘Electrical and Electronics Engineering’ at the Hochschule Bremen and ‘Space and Satellite Technologies’ conducted by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of ETI of Gdańsk University of Technology together with the Maritime University of Gdynia, the Naval Academy in Gdynia and the University of Gdańsk.


"Siema!". GUT will help in organizing the 29th final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Gdańsk

Gdańsk University of Technology actively joined the organization of the Gdańsk finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Thanks to the cooperation established with the Regional Volunteer Center in Gdańsk, the headquarters for volunteers of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, as well as the orchestra's Gdańsk ‘bank’ will be located on GUT premises.  

This year's finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, in which money will be collected for the purchase of equipment for laryngology, otolaryngology and head diagnostics, will be held on slightly different terms than in previous years.

Over 50 million to educate specialists in artificial intelligence

Over PLN 50 million will be allocated to the creation of a model of system education for high-class specialists in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cybersecurity. On 19 January an agreement was signed for co-financing the project ‘Academy of Innovative Applications of Digital Technologies’ under the Operational Program Digital Poland for 2014-2020.

The project is carried out as part of a consortium of five universities: Gdańsk University of Technology, Poznań University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, the University of Poznań and the University of Warsaw. The project manager at our university is PhD, DSc, Eng. Piotr Szczuko, GUT professor from the ETI Faculty.


Guide for foreign Students

What you are looking at is the Guide for Foreign Students, the academic navigation system, which will help you get accustomed not only with the academic campus but also learn the locations of other landmarks in the city which are important to students. It will also keep you from getting lost in the customs and traditions of the academy and help eliminate needless stress. We hope that this little book will be helpful for you.

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