Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Recruitment in Silicium Supporting Core R&D Facilities

The Silicium Supporting Core R&D Facilities program is part of the implementation of the EIRU program tasks in the field of effective use of existing and planned key research infrastructure under Action V.6. - Improving the Research Infrastructure Management System. 

The objective of the Program is to develop, implement and support an efficient system of research infrastructure management at the Gdansk University of Technology aimed at effective use of the University's research potential, especially in priority research areas (PRA), and at increasing its attractiveness for the most talented scientists from Poland and abroad. Managers of the projects qualified for co-financing in this Program will be able to apply for investment co-financing provided within the Core Facilities Operational Program.

Employee Capital Plans at GUT

Employee Capital Plans (ECP, Polish: PPK) are a voluntary long-term savings system in which private savings are collected. The Team for the selection of the financial institution responsible for the Employee Capital Plans for Gdańsk University of Technology appointed by the Rector has chosen Pekao Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. to manage and run ECP.

Employee Capital Plans is a savings system for employees implemented with the support of the state and the employer. The funds set aside in the ECP come from three sources - from the employee, the employer and the Labour Fund.

PG was classified in the discipline of Chemistry for the first time

In this year's edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021, Gdańsk University of Technology was classified in two disciplines out of five broad scientific areas: Chemistry and Engineering - Electrical & Electronic.

The authors of the ranking analyzed over 3 800 study programs at over 1 440 universities. They considered among others opinions about the universities in the academic world and among employers, citation rate and the impact of research on the environment.

The ranking included 51 disciplines in total, grouped into five broad subject areas: ‘Arts & Humanities’, ‘Engineering & Technology’, ‘Life Sciences & Medicine’, ‘Natural Sciences’, ‘Social Sciences & Management’.

Professor Piotr Lorens - the architect of the City of Gdańsk

prof. Piotr Lorens
Prof. Piotr Lorens from the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture was elected the City Architect. His main task will be to ensure the good quality of architecture and urban planning in Gdańsk and to coordinate the development of green spaces. The scientist will manage a new unit in the Municipal Office, which is being created from the merger of the Municipal Monument Conservator and the Planning and Marketing Department of the Architecture and Town Planning Department.

Over 70 percent of urbanized areas in Gdańsk is covered with spatial development plans. This is one of the highest rates in the country. The newly created plans more and more precisely regulate such parameters as building lines, service frontages, green areas. The competences of the City Architect will consist in the implementation of spatial policy, cooperation with investors and dialogue with the inhabitants of Gdańsk, in order to harmoniously develop the city and meet the needs of many social groups.

Fahrenheit University Association. Virtual meeting of rectors with the minister

4 rectors
Establishment of the Fahrenheit University Association is one of the most important events in the academic history of Gdańsk and Pomerania. On Friday, the Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, was familiarized with the plans for the development of the Association's activities and the opportunities that the consolidation of Pomeranian universities may offer.

In the fall of last year, the Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk established the Daniel Fahrenheit Association of Universities in Gdańsk. The main goal of its creation is the joint building of the leading position of Gdańsk as an academic center in Poland and abroad, and the initiators of the creation of the Association, i.e.

Pioneer brain surgery with the participation of Michał Kucewicz, PhD from Gdańsk Tech

Pioneer brain surgery in Wrocław. Photo: private archive
A pioneer brain surgery was performed in Wrocław, during which PhD Michał Kucewicz, who runs the Brain and Mind Electrophysiology Laboratory at the Department of Multimedia Systems, Gdańsk Tech, registered the signals from electrodes implanted deep into the patient's brain using electrophysiological equipment. The conducted research project may be a breakthrough in the study of the mechanisms of human memo ry and in the fight against Parkinson's disease

The research carried out by PhD Michał Kucewicz and his participation in the complicated operation were possible thanks to the First Team project of the Foundation for Polish Science, implemented as part of the cooperation of the Brain and Mind Electrophysiology Laboratory (operating within the Department of Multimedia Systems FETI, under the aegis of the BioTechMed Gdańsk Tech Center), Mayo Clinic medical center (Rochester, USA) and the Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wrocław.

Scientists from FETI with the award of the Minister of Education and Science

logotype: Ministry of Education and Science
The team of employees of the Department of Multimedia Systems at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of GUT was among the winners of the Awards of the Minister of Education and Science.

The minister awarded the team of scientists from FETI for significant achievements in scientific and implementation activities. The group included: prof.

An agreement between universities and pharmacists

Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Nieznański (second from the left), vice-rector for internationalization and innovation, the Medical University of Gdańsk - by Prof. PhD, DSc Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science, and Gemini Polska – by Artur Łakomiec, President of the Management Board and Artur Sznek, Member of the Management Board. Photo Maciej Moskwa
An interdisciplinary team will be created as a result of cooperation of experts from Gdańsk University of Technology, the Medical University of Gdańsk and Gemini Polska. The purpose of the newly established trilateral agreement is to jointly conduct research and development projects, which - thanks to the use of modern technologies - will contribute to the improvement of the health of Poles. Scientists from GUT will be involved in the preparation of proposed IT solutions.

The letter of intent was officially signed on 4 March at the Medical University of Gdańsk. Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng. Janusz Nieznański (second from the left), vice-rector for internationalization and innovation, the Medical University of Gdańsk – by Prof. PhD, DSc Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science, and Gemini Polska – by Artur Łakomiec, President of the Management Board and Artur Sznek, Member of the Management Board.

The Fahrenheit University Association - a joint IT strategy for university management

Prof Wilde and prof Stepnowski
Gdańsk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk have concluded an agreement on cooperation in the exchange of experiences in the aspect of creating and functioning of the university's IT infrastructure. At the beginning, GUT will grant the UG a license to its eUniversity system and will enable the university to use it within its own organizational structures. The cooperation is carried out within the framework of the Daniel Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk, which - apart from GUT and UG - also includes the Medical University of Gdańsk.

The agreement signed by prof. Krzysztof Wilde, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology and prof. Piotr Stepnowski, rector of the University of Gdańsk, covers the joint definition and development of an IT model for university management along with the construction of appropriate IT tools, which at the same time meet the standards of compatibility with IT elements of other cooperating and supervising units.

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