Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Science requires constant curiosity. Conversation with prof. Sławomir Milewski, vice-rector for science

Prof. Milewski
On 19 February we celebrate Polish Science Day. This is a good opportunity to summarize what has happened in the field of science at Gdańsk University of Technology recently and talk about plans for the near future.

Barbara Kuklińska: Sir, I think it is worth starting our conversation with the final results of the evaluation that the university has recently received, as it is a cause for joy.

Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology awarded at the Polish Science Gala

Many people sitting
Six scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology were awarded during the gala organized on the occasion of the Polish Science Day, which this year is part of the World Copernican Congress. The Minister of Education and Science honored outstanding scientists representing various fields of science.

The winners were awarded for merits in five categories: for significant achievements in the field of scientific, didactic, implementation, organizational and overall achievements.

ENHANCE invites – summer school on sustainable entrepreneurship

Hands with plants
We invite Gdańsk Tech master and PhD students to sign up for the "Summer School in sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation" organized by Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (June/September 2023). The registration deadline is March 15th. Don't miss it!

In 2022, Gdańsk University of Technology joined ENHANCE - an association of 10 European technical universities. Thanks to the presence in ENHANCE, Gdańsk Tech students have the opportunity to participate in winter and summer schools, seminars and other interesting events on various topics. The next such event will be organized by Chalmers University of Technology - also ENHANCE member. This time the main topic of the meeting will be sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation. Don't miss it!


Prestigious EUA 2023 Conference at Gdańsk Tech

EUA conference
The European University Association (EUA) represents over 850 universities in 49 European countries. It plays a key role in the Bologna Process and influences the European Union's policy on higher education, research and innovation. "We need to talk about impact" - this is the leading slogan of the international EUA conference, which this year, on 20-21 April, will be held for the first time in Poland, at Gdańsk University of Technology.

The university will host rectors, representatives of management and science from several hundred European universities. The leading theme of the conference will be the impact of universities on the surrounding socio-economic environment and the shaping by them of key principles in times of great change or crisis.

ENHANCE invites - summer school on sustainable entrepreneurship

We invite Gdańsk Tech master and PhD students to sign up for the "Summer School in sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation" organized by Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (June/September 2023). The registration deadline is March 17th. Don't miss it!

In 2022, Gdańsk University of Technology joined ENHANCE - an association of 10 European technical universities. Thanks to the presence in ENHANCE, Gdańsk Tech students have the opportunity to participate in winter and summer schools, seminars and other interesting events on various topics. The next such event will be organized by Chalmers University of Technology - also ENHANCE member. This time the main topic of the meeting will be sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation.

Webinar: legalization of stay in Poland

We invite all international students and doctoral students of Gdańsk University of Technology to participate in an online meeting on the legalization of stay in Poland (Wednesday, February 22nd). The event is addressed both to students admitted to the full cycle of studies, as well as to students who came to Gdańsk Tech as part of the Erasmus+ program.

Every foreigner who decides to study in Poland must legalize their stay for the duration of education. This is very important and it should be done at the beginning of your stay in Poland, especially that the entire procedure of legalizing your stay can take up to several weeks.

All the more we invite you to participate in a webinar dedicated to the legalization of stay in Poland, during which Welcome Office employees will present the entire procedure of legalizing your stay step by step and answer your questions.

New EU financial perspective for 2021–2027 – visit of the EU commissioner at Gdańsk Tech

Many people in the circle
On Thursday, 9 February, the authorities of Gdańsk University of Technology hosted a delegation of the European Union and representatives of the Marshal's Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The presence of the EU Commissioner at our university was part of her visit to Warsaw and Gdańsk, related to the granting of new European funds to Poland for the years 2021-2027 in the amount of EUR 76 billion.

On Thursday, 9 February, the authorities of Gdańsk University of Technology hosted a delegation of the European Union and representatives of the Marshal's Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The presence of the EU Commissioner at our university was part of her visit to Warsaw and Gdańsk, related to the granting of new European funds to Poland for the years 2021-2027 in the amount of EUR 76 billion.

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