Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Best practices for authors of scientific publications. Discussion

Join us for a discussion on writing and publishing scientific articles. The panelists will be selected authors from the CEE region who have successfully published articles in respected Elsevier journals. During the meeting with authors, we will talk about topics such as improving the process of writing scientific papers, good practices from publishing articles in scientific journals with high reputation, or tips for strengthening the visibility of the author's scientific output and its recognition in the scientific community.

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How to find a journal wisely - Elsevier Author Workshop

During the webinar, we will introduce authors to good practices for selecting journals to read and publish based on verified sources and information. We will show how to use available bibliometric tools and indicators to find, select and evaluate scientific journals in selected scientific dyscplines and based on research topics. Participants will learn the principles to keep in mind when using bibliometric indicators, as well as what tools are worth using to wisely choose a good journal to publish your own research work.

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How to write and publish an article - Elsevier Author Workshop

During the author workshop, we will provide tips and tricks for authors that can positively improve the quality of manuscripts and thus increase the chances of accepting papers for publication in reputable international journals. During the training, we will discuss the structure of an article, as well as good practices and tips for writing a paper and submitting a text for publication. Matters of the editorial process will be addressed, as well as ethical concerns that authors, reviewers, editors and publishers face on a daily basis.

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ScienceDirect in didactics - webinar for librarians and academics

Learn how to use the ScienceDirect platform to support the teaching process and help your students and library patrons gain knowledge. Learn about ideas for how to use ScienceDirect, the platform's functionalities, and the full-text options for library and university classes. Find inspiration for your work as a teacher, trainer, librarian and get a handful of tips and best practices. Enrich your classes with interesting content you can find in scientific journals, ebooks and other materials published by Elsevier.

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Gdańsk Tech among 11 Polish universities in the 2022 Shanghai Ranking

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Gdańsk University of Technology was classified for the third time in the  Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), i.e. the Shanghai ranking, considered the most prestigious ranking of higher education institutions in the world. Each year, ARWU classifies 2000 universities and publishes the ranking of best 1000 of them. This year’s ranking includes 11 Polish universitites.

The methodology of the ranking is based on six indicators, including:

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