Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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GUT is the coordinator monitoring the epidemic situation at universities in the Pomeranian Voivodeship

The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (KRASP), together with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education decided to appoint 16 provincial (regional) coordinators whose task will be to monitor the epidemic situation at universities in individual regions. Gdańsk University of Technology will be the coordinating university in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The person appointed by the ministry as coordinator at GUT is prof. Krzysztof Wilde, corresponding member of the PAS, rector of Gdańsk University of Technology.

Coordinators, in cooperation with the voivode and the authorities of other universities, will collect and update data on the number of confirmed infections, quarantine referrals and other alarming events related to the epidemic occurring at universities (including dormitories) in a given region.

More information and a list of coordinating universities in individual provinces can be found on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

K&TTC director is a member the ministry's advisory team

Damian Kuźniewski
In October, Damian Kuźniewski, director of the Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at Gdańsk University of Technology, was appointed to the Advisory Team for the development of the assumptions for the evaluation of knowledge and technology transfer at the Ministry of Education and Science.

Changes taking place in higher education, thanks to e.g. introducing the Constitution for Science, generate the need for new ways of assessing their effectiveness. In addition to evaluating the quality of education, a method of assessing knowledge and technology transfer is needed as well. A new advisory team, composed of representatives of several Polish universities, both experts - practitioners and scientists, is to deal with the development of new assessment methods. The 10-person team is just starting its activity.

The Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a member of the Scientific Council of GDDKiA

PhD, DSc, Eng. Joanna Żukowska, university professor, dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
PhD, DSc, Eng. Joanna Żukowska, university professor, dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology, has been appointed to the group of experts of the Scientific Council by the General Director of National Roads and Motorways.

Prof. Joanna Żukowska has joined the group of scientists advising the General Director of National Roads and Motorways on tasks and challenges related to the development and maintenance of the national road network in Poland.

Scientist awarded for research on the strength of materials

In the photo, PhD, Eng. Żerdzicki with a model of the thigh bone used for research.
PhD, Eng. Krzysztof Żerdzicki from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering received the award of the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Mayor of Gdańsk, which was awarded for the 45th time to young scientists for outstanding scientific achievements. Currently, the scientist mainly deals with the experimental mechanics of thigh bone fractures.

PhD, Eng. Krzysztof Żerdzicki was among the five awarded scientists from Pomerania. He was awarded in the field of technical sciences for a series of articles on the identification of strength parameters of composite materials.

Polish Sailing Cup in the Omega Sport class for the GUT crew

The GUT Racing crew consisting of Marcin Styborski, Dawid Płotka and Jan Krasodomski. Photo: Bartosz Modelski
During the last sailing regatta in the Omega class this season, which took place on the Niesłysz lake on 10-11 October, the Polish Cup Final for the Cup of the Mayor of Świebodzin took place. The winner of the regatta in the Omega Sport class was the crew from Gdańsk University of Technology, composed of Marcin Styborski, Dawid Płotka and Jan Krasodomski.

The university was represented by three crews in the Sport class and one in the Standard class. The victorious three sailors strengthened their advantage in this regatta. In the current season, Marcin Styborski, Jan Krasodomski and Dawid Płotka have already won the Polish Cup Regatta in Puck and the Polish Championship in Krynica Morska, and only in Lubiatów they were outside the podium. By winning three races and finishing only one outside the top three, they proved that they can sail quickly and efficiently also on smaller waters.


Gdańsk in the red zone. The functioning of the university and safety rules

the view for the main building of GUT
From Saturday, 17 October Gdańsk will be on the list of cities and counties in the so-called ‘red zone’, with additional restrictions related to counteracting the spread of the coronavirus. Therefore, the authorities of Gdańsk University of Technology issued a Decree that contains a comprehensive list of rules of conduct in the event of suspected infection and of remaining on the GUT premises, as well as of the remote education process.

By the decision of the Council of Ministers, new security rules will apply throughout the country from Saturday 17 October. In local terms, they concern the entire Pomeranian province, where on the list of cities and counties in the so-called red zone, apart from Gdańsk, there are also: Gdynia, Sopot, Słupsk and the following poviats: chojnicki, gdański, kartuski, kościerski, kwidzyński, lęborski, pucki, słupski, starogardzki, tczewski and wejherowski.

Prof. Lucyna Nyka awarded for achievements in the globalization of engineering education

prof. Lucyna Nyka
Prof. Lucyna Nyka, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, has been elected Fellow of the World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) based in Melbourne, Australia. 13 scientists from around the world enjoy such status in WIETE organization, including Australia, Canada, India and European countries.

The Fellow status for prof. Lucyna Nyka was awarded in recognition for "outstanding contribution to engineering and technical education, outstanding achievements in the globalization of engineering education and for extensive activity at the institute".

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