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OFFSHORE 2022 Career Day - Catch the big fish!

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The first edition of the OFFSHORE Career Day at Gdansk University of Technology is coming up. This is a great opportunity to talk to representatives of companies operating in the renewable energy sector, but also an important step in choosing a career path. We invite students and graduates, as well as all those interested in offshore wind energy who want to build a professional career in one of the fastest growing energy sectors in Europe today.

The event will take place on October 26, from: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, in the lobby of Building 30 (Institute of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology), on the first floor.

The organizers of the OFFSHORE Career Day are: Gdansk University of Technology's Offshore Wind Energy Center, Pomeranian Employers, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology and Careers and Alumni Office.

During the first edition of the fair, the following companies will present themselves:

Actinium scholarship program - open call

We invite students of 1st and 2nd degree studies admitted to the first year of studies at Gdańsk University of Technology from the winter semester of the 2022/2023 academic year to participate in the Actinium Supporting Most Talented Candidates scholarship program. The deadline for submitting applications is November 14th, 2022.

The Actinium Supporting Most Talented Candidates program is an element of the implementation of the tasks of the IDUB program in the field of improving the quality of education for students and doctoral students, in particular in the fields and disciplines related to priority research areas (PRA) of the university, Action III.3. Improving the admission system for studies in order to attract the best candidates.

TopMinds 2023 mentoring program - open call

The Top 500 Innovators Association, bringing together scientists, entrepreneurs as well as specialists in the field of technology transfer and commercialization, and the Polish-US Fulbright Commission, which enables scientific and cultural exchange between Poland and the United States, invite students to participate in the TopMinds mentoring program.

TopMinds is a mentoring program that opens the door to an international career for young Polish scientists and scientists. So far, there have been five editions of the program, which have already been used by almost 175 young people as well as their mentors.

The Climate Plan of Gdańsk University of Technology

Climate Plan
As a university, we decided to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In order to achieve this goal we have decided to prioritize the selected sustainability goals that we have the greatest influence on, while continuing to work on other goals.

The Climate Plan of Gdańsk University of Technology determines how we intend to face current and future challenges in order to become a sustainable institution and play a significant role in creating a sustainable world. We are responsible for the natural environment and our surroundings. We want to contribute to stopping climate change through our research, education and everyday activities. Commitment and contribution to sustainability for a better future for the planet is the responsibility of the entire academic community.

Workshops for students - sign up

Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office invites international students to participate in workshops on peer mediation and cultural differences. The events are organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project.

In September, the university-wide project "Creating an emotional support system for the international students of Gdańsk University of Technology" (project marketing name: "Hey, are you OK?") was launched. 

As part of this initiative, many activities were planned in the field of mental health support (consultations with a psychologist), wellbeing (yoga, mindfulness) and communication (workshops on cultural differences, mediation) addressed to the international students.


Workshops for academic staff – sign up

From October 6 to 27, recruitment for workshops on cultural differences for Gdańsk Tech academic staff will be open. The meetings are organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project.

In September, the university-wide project "Creating an emotional support system for the international students of Gdańsk University of Technology" (project marketing name: "Hey, are you OK?") was launched at Gdańsk Tech. As part of this initiative, many activities in the field of well-being and communication have been planned for both Gdańsk Tech students and staff.

Visit of ACEEU Accreditation Committee

On 6–7 October, the ACEEU Committee (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities) visited Gdańsk University of Technology. ACEEU is the only international quality assurance body that focuses on evaluating the engagement and entrepreneurship in higher education. The accreditation process is aimed at proving that Gdańsk University of Technology can be ranked among the entrepreneurial and socially engaged universities, in accordance with the standards of the organization.  

As part of the accreditation, members of the ACEEU Committee met with over sixty persons: research and administrative staff of the University, students, doctoral students, alumni and representatives of local government and business.

Debate at Gdańsk Tech on the safety of critical maritime infrastructure in the Baltic Sea

On Thursday, 13 October 2022, in the Jan Hevelius Courtyard of Gdańsk University of Technology, an expert debate was held on issues related to maintaining the security of critical infrastructure in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. The debate was preceded by a speech by Marcin Ociepa, deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense.  

The meeting of representatives of the Polish defense industry - including representatives of the army, industry and the scientific community - began with a speech by Deputy Minister Marcin Ociepa (Ministry of National Defense), entitled "The world anew. Conclusions from the Russian aggression against Ukraine for Polish foreign and defense policy ”. In his speech the minister raised issues related to the current geopolitical situation and possible consequences for Poland, as well as for Europe and the world.

What happiness is?

Don't miss the latest, October/November edition of Gdańsk Tech Magazine with an article about... happiness at work (and not only). All this in connection with the "Hey, is everything OK?" project, which was just launched at Gdańsk University of Technology.

"This year is the 10th edition of the World Happiness Report, which uses data from global research, mainly the Gallup World Poll, to show how people in more than 150 countries around the world evaluate their lives. The first place - for the fifth time in a row - was taken by Finland, whose inhabitants have rated their quality of life the highest for many years.

Workshops for students - sign up

Gdańsk Tech International Relations Office invites international students to participate in workshops on peer mediation and cultural differences. The events are organized as part of the "Hey, are you OK?" project.

In September, the university-wide project "Creating an emotional support system for the international students of Gdańsk University of Technology" (project marketing name: "Hey, are you OK?") was launched. 

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