ENHANCE Micro Programme on Gender and Diversity in Science | Politechnika Gdańska

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Data dodania: 2024-05-28

ENHANCE Micro Programme on Gender and Diversity in Science


2024 - ENHANCE Micro Programme on Gender and Diversity in Science, Technology and Society.

The ENHANCE Alliance presents a new learning opportunity: the “ENHANCE Micro Programme on Gender and
Diversity in Science, Technology and Society” from June to September 2024, including a one-week onsite summer school in Berlin, Germany.

The offer is aimed at students (Bachelor, Master or doctoral degrees) of natural, planning and technical sciences,
mathematics and computer science as well as students who want to acquire competences in Science and Technology Studies (STS) with a focus on gender and diversity.

If you would like to attend, please register here https://forms.office.com/e/LAj11DVW5t before June 10 2024.

Find the current posts at the ENHANCE channels of our member universities:



29 wyświetleń