Lecture series by Prof. Eugene A. Katz | Politechnika Gdańska

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Data dodania: 2023-06-02

Lecture series by Prof. Eugene A. Katz

E.A. Katz

We are pleased to announce an upcoming lecture series by Prof. Eugene A. Katz, a distinguished researcher in the field of solar energy and environmental physics in the Alexandre Yersin Department of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics at the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DQ3QKoQAAAAJ&hl=en).

As a leading expert in the field, Prof. Katz has made significant contributions to the development of novel materials and devices for solar energy conversion. His research spans a wide range of topics, including photovoltaic materials, concentrator solar cells, hybrid solar converters, and the stability of solar cells under real-world conditions.

We cordially invite you to attend this enlightening lecture series and benefit from Prof. Katz's vast knowledge and expertise. The lectures will provide a valuable opportunity to gain insights into the latest research and developments in solar energy conversion, as well as to engage in discussions with fellow researchers and enthusiasts in the field.

Event Details:

Lecture I (45 mins): 4.07 [11:15-12:00] (Aud. 2 NE WETI).

Basics of photovoltaic solar energy conversion: A comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles underlying the conversion of solar energy into electricity, emphasizing key concepts and emerging trends.

Lecture II (45 mins): 4.07 [12:15-13:00] (Aud. 2 NE WETI).

Perovskite PV: This lecture will delve into the latest advancements, challenges, and potential applications in this rapidly evolving field.

Lecture III (2 x 45 mins): 5.07 [11:15-12:00 and 12:15-13:00] (Aud. 2 NE WETI).

Fullerene-like architecture in nano-, micro-, and macro-worlds: This lecture will explore the remarkable properties and diverse applications of fullerene-like structures across different length scales, and discuss how using fullerene-like structures Nature minimizes energy and matter resources in molecules and nanoclusters, viruses and living organisms. Examples of achievement of such goals in architecture will also be presented.

Short Bio:

Eugene A. Katz is a full professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, and a renowned researcher in the field of solar energy conversion. His research interests primarily revolve around exploring novel materials and devices for solar energy conversion, with a particular focus on photovoltaic (PV) materials and devices. Throughout his career, Prof. Katz has conducted extensive research on various types of PV materials and devices, including organic and perovskite-based photovoltaics. He has also investigated concentrator solar cells capable of operating at ultra-high solar concentrations of up to 10,000 suns. Additionally, his research encompasses areas such as external photon recycling in solar cells, hybrid PV/solar thermal and PV/thermoelectric converters.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of New Energy Materials & Technology, Prof. Katz was awarded the IAAM Medal by the International Association of Advanced Materials in 2018. One notable achievement in Prof. Katz's early career was the creation of a research group dedicated to the study of fullerene thin films' growth and photoelectrical properties at Ben-Gurion University. He published the first-ever paper on outdoor testing of organic photovoltaics (OPV) in collaboration with Prof. N.S. Sariciftci from Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. This publication reported an abnormal positive temperature coefficient of OPV efficiency, a finding later confirmed by various research groups. Prof. Katz continued to investigate the outdoor stability of different PV materials and devices, aiming to uncover the underlying mechanisms of degradation.

Thank you for your attention, and we hope to see you at the lecture series. Pizza will be served after lecture III.

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