Data dodania: 2021-06-27
Dormitory DS12 for summer holydays and for next academic year 2019/2020

Information about applying for a dormitory for doctoral students
Allocation for the academic year 2019/2020
If applying for DS12 for the next academic year, attachment no. 4 of regulations of dormitories of the Gdańsk University of Technology (Regulamin Domów Studenckich Politechniki Gdańskiej) should be submitted to Commission for Social Affairs.
Stage I
13.05.2019 – 23.05.2019 – applications for a place in a DS12.
30.05.2019 – publication of the results of the allocation in DS12.
Stage II
3.06.2019 – 6.06.2019 – appeals regarding the granting of a place in DS12.
13.06.2019 – publication of the results of appealed appeals for the award of a place in DS12
Stage III and Stage IV (for newly recruited)
Stage V
1.08.2019 – 27.09.2019 – application for a place in DS12 at the Student's Affairs Department (for people who have not applied or have not received a place in a dormitory in I, II, III or IV stages)
30.09.2019 – publication of the results of applications for a place in a dormitory for people who have not applied or have not received a place
The amount of the guarantee deposit for the academic year 2019/2020 is PLN 300.
The amount of the deposit has increased, people who have a deposit of PLN 200 are required to pay PLN 100. No payment will result in deletion from the list.
Deadlines for deposit payment - PhD students
- until 15.07.2019 – persons who have been allocated a place in dormitory in stages I-II
- by the date of submitting the application at the Student's Affairs Department – people who want to participate in stage V
- until the day of accommodation (no later than on the day of accommodation) – others
Until 5.09.2019 – doctoral students of the older years.
28.09.2019 – 4.10.2019 – accommodation in DS12 for the academic year 2019/2020.
Allocation for summer
If applying for DS12 for summer, attachment no. 6 of regulations of dormitory of the Gdańsk University of Technology (Regulamin Domów Studenckich Politechniki Gdańskiej) shouldbe submitted to Commission for Social Affairs.
14.05.2019 – 23.05.2019 – applications for a place in DS12 for summer.
30.05.2019 – publication of results results of the allocation in DS12 for summer.
Students living in a dormitory during the 2018/2019 academic year – the deposit is also valid during the holidays.
Students who are not staying in a dormitory during the academic year should pay a deposit until the date of applying for a place in a dormitory for the summer. Proof of payment is a required attachment to the application.
Resignation from the granted place in dormitory should be sent until 20.06.2019 to the Comission, e-mail address:
Office Hours of the doctoral students' Commission for Social Affairs:
room 203 building 23
14.05.2019 16:15-17:00
15.05.2019 09:15-10:00
20.05.2019 17:15-18:00
21.05.2019 16:15-17:00
22.05.2019 09:15-10:00
23.05.2019 15:15-16:00
Results of by-elections
SDPG MultiSport Program
New members are wanted!
PhD Open