Data dodania: 2023-12-14
Talk innovation: unlocking technology

Porozmawiaj o innowacjach: unlocking technology
Europejski Urząd Patentowy w przygotowanym materiale „Porozmawiaj o innowacjach: unlocking technology” udostępniana komentarze ekspertów w zakresie trendy technologiczne i przełomowe wynalazki - zapraszamy do odsłuchu!
“Talk innovation: unlocking technology” is brought to you by the European Patent Office (EPO). Expert presenters and guests – including our patent examiners - provide their perspective on technology trends and highlight ground-breaking inventions. Join us to learn more on the role of patents and the intellectual property (IP) system in supporting society and the economy.
Opinions expressed by podcast participants are their own and may not reflect the views of the EPO.
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