Research position for a Mathematician from Ukraine | Politechnika Gdańska

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Data dodania: 2022-04-22

Research position for a Mathematician from Ukraine

Flaga ukraińska

We offer a full-time research position in the project "Challenges of low-dimensional dynamics in hybrid neuron models", founded by National Science Centre (Poland) and conducted at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics of Gdańsk University of Technology. The position is up to 6 months with salary around 5.000 PLN/month net.

Project description is available here.

The candidate should meet the following requirements:

  • doctorate degree or its equivalent (e.g. Candidate of Sciences)

  • employed in an academic or research institution in Ukraine directly before the war, and arrived in Poland on February 24, 2022, or later

  • proven scientific experience in areas related to the theme of the project (e.g. rotation theory, circle and interval maps, ordinary differential equations, dynamical systems and chaos theory, mathematical modeling of biological phenomena, computational/mathematical neuroscience).

An interested candidate should contact by email the Principal Investigator of the project (Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska) and send the CV not later than June 20, 2022.

keywords: dynamical systems, neuroscience, neurodynamics, chaos theory.

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