This supplement specifies additional activities required from students pursuing  the interdisciplinary doctoral programme (InterPhD2): Rozwój Interdyscyplinarnego Programu Studiów Doktoranckich o wymiarze międzynarodowym (POWR.03.02.00-IP.08-00-DOC/16)

Fields of science: automatic control, robotics, biomedical engineering, electronics, telecommunications and informatics

Additional requirements within each module

Module II Focused courses or workshops or  research internships corresponding to the research area

  • A minimum number of ECTS credits is 12
  • The maximum number of  ECTS credits  for  internships, training workshops and summer schools is 8 ECTS credits
  • At least one course  given by visiting professor funded by InterPhD2 project
  • Compulsory six month’s research internship in a foreign research institution/laboratory

Module  III) Courses aimed at the development of teaching/professional or transferable skills

  • A minimum number of ECTS credits is   12
  • At least  5 courses in this module are to be  selected from the list of supplementary  courses for module III. These 5 courses are obligatory for each PhD student participating in the InterPhD2 programme.  At least one subject should be selected each academic year.

Module  IV) Activities developing skills needed for presenting the research results and participation international  research

  • A compulsory presentation of student’s  research result at a renowned  international conference  

List of supplementary courses for module III

M.1. Componant’s title: Didactic methods in the modern teaching process (30 h)

Courses No 1 and No 2:

  • 1/ e-course: Didactic methods in the modern teaching process (15hrs, 2 ECTS credits)
  • 2/ lab practice: Didactic methods in the modern teaching process (5hrs, 1 ECTS credits) x 3 groups

M.2. Componant’s title: Writing scientific papers (3x 10h in groups)


  • Writing scientific papers in the  field of chemistry (10 hrs, 2 ECTS credits)
  • Writing scientific papers in scientific field of electronics, telecommunications and informatics , biomedical engineering,  automatic control, robotics ( 10 hrs, 2 ECTS credits)

M.3. Componant’s title: Publication of research outcomes in scientific journals including open access resources

  • Courses_4 and 5: Publication and IP rights, (10 hrs, 2 ECTS credits) x 2 (part I and part II)
  • Course_6: Open Science & researchers’ activities, (10 hrs, 2 ECTS credits)

M.4. Componant’s title:  Creating presentation and self-presentation at a scientific conference (30 h)

  • Course_7:Scientific presentation craft (15hrs, 2 ECTS credits)
  • Course_8:  The art of self-presentation (5hrs, 1 ECTS credits) x 3 groups

M.5. Componant’s title:  Research project management (30 h)

  • Course_9: The theoretical course related to Research Project Management (15hrs, 2 ECTS credits)
  • Course_10: Project application workshops (5hrs, 1 ECTS credits) x 3 groups